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Welcome to Year 2

Class Teacher – Miss J Richardson                                                            Behaviour Support - Mrs L Miller                                                        









                                             Teaching Assistant – Miss E Onions                                                              Student Teacher - Miss L Jones


Please use this link to see our yearly overview of learning

Please use this link to see our Spring 2 Home/School Overview

Please use this link to see our Summer 1 Home/School Overview

Please use this link to see our Summer 2 Home/School Overview

Please use school office email to contact us about any issues, which can be passed to us via the main school office. 


Key information

  • Book bags, consisting of reading diary and reading books, should be in school every day.

  • Water bottles will be sent home everyday to be washed and refilled. 

  • Please provide a healthy snack (fruit, cereal bar, cheese etc)   


Monday and Wednesday are our PE days.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. Homework consists of English and Maths activities. Homework should be completed on Seesaw. In addition to this, children are expected to have read at home 5 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.


Weekly spellings are given out on paper, new spellings are given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Wednesday

Summer 1

Around the world with the Three Bears

Synopsis: Children focus on a traditional tale and consider how, for example, Goldilocks and the Three Bears would change if Goldilocks were good, and the bears were bad. They then write their own traditional tale with a twist. The children also explore the idea of the bears going on holiday. They recount the bears’ experiences and write a non-chronological report about one of the destinations they visit.

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