Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
To view our school's latest inspection report, please click the link below to view our most recent Ofsted report:
We are all very proud of this result as it accurately reflects the determination of our team to deliver the best academic outcomes for all children.
Here are some highlights from the report:
Springhill Academy has such a lovely warm, welcoming feel. Pupils are happy at the
school and they are proud to attend. They say that teachers are caring and are always
there to help them. Pupils know who to talk to if they have any worries. As a result, pupils
feel safe in school. -
Children in the early years are very well taken care of. Their environment is designed
carefully to meet their different needs. -
All pupils receive a broad and balanced education and the school’s curriculum is
ambitious. It makes clear the important knowledge that pupils need to learn, starting in
the early years. -
Reading is a priority.
The school identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND quickly and accurately.
These pupils follow the school’s full curriculum. The school ensures that staff receive the
training they need to help them meet the needs of pupils with SEND effectively. -
Pupils follow well-established school routines and behave positively. There is no disruption
to learning in lessons. The school teaches a behaviour curriculum, which includes
opportunities for the pupils to learn to self-regulate their behaviours. It promotes positive
behaviour through the ‘Reach High’ values. -
Pupils follow a valuable programme of personal, social and health education (PSHE).
Pupils learn about safety, including how to stay safe online. Pupils proudly carry out
leadership roles, such the school parliament, sports leaders, eco-warriors. -
Staff feel well supported. They are proud to work at the school and
appreciate how the school is considers their workload.